Perhaps no area in the world is changing quicker than communications. People are rapidly finding new ways to stay informed and to get the news and information they require. In just the past 150 years, society has changed from news being driven mostly by the written word on paper, to information being transmitted by way of television to a host of online platforms and specialty outlets. Exactly where this revolution will wind up is anyone’s guess, but here are some of the most important innovations.
Staying Informed With Targeted Newswires
General information can sometimes be too diffuse for targeted audiences. A newswire tailored to specific constituents has its place in today’s world. Outlets dealing with the fast-moving world of public relations can report on issues such as Stefan Soloviev realigning an important company to other noteworthy news of the moment. Not only can this news provide current information to subscribers, it can also bring specific content that has close relevance to its readers.
Learning a Foreign Language in a New Way
The changing face of communications also impacts how people learn. On Youtube, there is a long list of instructors teaching people how to learn Spanish, French, Portuguese and other languages. These instructors have from as little as a few hundred followers or subscribers to as many as a million followers. One example of this is the Butterfly Spanish program, which is taught by Ana, a lively and very funny teacher who is a native Spanish speaker. She offers more … Read More
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