Many people think that palm oil can only be used for frying or as an ingredient in salads and dressings. The reality is that palm oil is present in almost everything we consume. Producing sustainable palm oil not only protects the environment. The variety of products that can be made with this versatile oil is so extensive that it is impossible to substitute it for any other oil. This is due not only to its physical properties but also to the yield per hectare planted. Sustainable palm oil production is possible and necessary. Several NGOs and private companies have joined forces in an effort to demonstrate the advantages of palm oil and its positive impact on the economy, society and the ecosystem.

There is no better alternative
Today many companies that produce other types of oils are losing significant market share. Some of them invest in campaigns that only seek to confuse the consumer. The Sustainable Palm Oil Choice (SPOC) was created with the intention of mitigating misinformation. SPOC is a movement for 100% certified sustainable palm oil in Europe. Companies, NGOs and governmental organizations join forces to demonstrate the advantages of palm oil over other oil crops. One of the biggest myths surrounding palm oil cultivation is deforestation. The reality is quite different. A single palm tree is capable of producing around 40 kilograms of oil per year. That is 4 to 10 times more than other types of oil crops. Less land is needed to produce sustainable palm oil, which avoids deforestation of rainforests and habitat destruction for many animal species.
Bust the myths and learn how sustainable palm oil is produced
Information can open your mind to evolution or close it to failure. Myths do harm. Your duty is to inform yourself about what NGOs, private companies and even governments are doing to preserve the environment. There is a wide variety of voluntary and mandatory sustainability standards that apply to palm oil. The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) established a certification scheme for palm oil use in foodstuffs and household products. The International Sustainability Standard (ISCC) ensures that palm oil production is environmentally friendly and socially responsible. The Rainforest Alliance advises farms on how to use their land more productively. The Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) promotes sustainable palm oil production in Indonesia. The Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) is a national certification scheme in Malaysia for palm oil production. Always opt for products made with sustainable and environmentally friendly palm oil.